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SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit – Saturday October 21, 2023

How do I log in to the SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit?

On Saturday, October 21, you can access the SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit by using your email address as your login username and the password you entered at the time of registration. You will find access to the SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit here: or at the always green ‘Attendee Access’ button at the top of the page. If you forget your password, you can always recover it here:

How do I install or use Zoom?

The SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit is powered by Zoom, a FREE and easy to use video conference platform. Please familiarize yourself with it before the show. To learn more, visit

How do I receive my CECs?

You will receive approximately 6 hours of CECs from SCW, ACE, ACSM, AEA, AFAA, NASM NFPT & others. At the end of the conference you will be asked to complete a short survey. Afterwards, you will receive your CEC Certificate. For more info on CECs, visit

How do I get my outlines?

Session handouts are available next to the session descriptions once the site is open Saturday morning. They are available for download to your smartphone, tablet and/or computer, and may be printed at your convenience.

What happens if I miss some sessions – are they recorded?

If you would like to access recordings of live sessions, visit to upgrade your membership to All Access.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the SCW Active Aging Summit?

The SCW Fitness team have compiled quick and easy answers to commonly asked questions regarding the Nutrition Coaching Summit, as well as what to expect from this unique online fitness convention on an easy to follow FAQ page. Visit to learn more.

Thank you!

Thank you for your support of SCW Fitness Education! We’ll see you online Saturday, October 21st! Make sure to keep an eye on your email and text messages for more important information regarding SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit coming your way soon!

Please keep an eye on your spam folders as well – sometimes emails may end up there!



[email protected]

(847) 562-4020

You can login to the SCW Nutrition Coaching Summit website at any time, here: Login


Using this username and password:


Password: *** The password you set during signup. ***